
Friday, June 13, 2014

One King's Lane: Reflect Your Style

One King's Lane - Reflect Your Style
Taking a short break on an outfit post today to share some of my favorite accessories for my dream vanity. However, if you're just *yearning* to see what I'm wearing, you can always follow me on Tumblr or Instagram for real time updates!

A few weeks ago, my cousin sent me a link to some super cute travel bags from One King's Lane. I immediately bookmarked the link for when I had time to indulge in the entire website without any distractions! There were lots of pretties to peruse!

So, you can imagine my delight when a few weeks later, One King's Lane contacted me to see if I wanted to participate in their "Reflect Your Style" campaign. The only "rule" was that I had to build my perfect vanity around one of their mirrors and at least four other pieces from their website. Challenge accepted!

What a fun and therapeutic exercise this was for me! When I think about my perfect dressing room, I think "vintage girly." I knew the color palette would be pretty similar to my present closet room; I don't think I could ever get tired of black, white, and red. So, the first thing I did was hunt for my vanity mirror. I landed on this one because of its simple, but antique feel, and then honestly, everything fell nicely into place from there!

I was giggling at myself as I added all of the "finishing" touches like the shoes, bags, and even my Cardinals hat. All this is missing is a picture of Justin Timberlake! Ha!

You can check out their other mirrors here, although every day there are new sales, so really the possibilities and choices are endless. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did while creating it! What would your dream vanity look like?? Not sure? Just reference their nifty Home Decor Handbook! And if you need an invite to One King's Lane, well, I just happen to have that for you here.

DISCLOSURE: I was not compensated to write this post, though as with my other posts, if you click on a link, I may make a few cents. Regardless, all opinions and ideas were my own. 

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  1. Hee hee, I love your personal touches. It took me a minute to realize those were your actual bags. Do you own that dress that's hanging there, too? So pretty! Love the color scheme you chose for the room- I agree about black, white and red!
    Gina -- On the Daily Express

    1. No, I don't own the dress, but I wish I did because it's redonk gorgeous! This was seriously therapeutic for me to do!

  2. Gorgeous room! You styled it perfectly! Love your own personal belongings on the shelf! Too cute!

    Have a great weekend!

    xo, Erica
    Casually Styled

  3. Love the theme you went with here - very elegant and chic!!!
    Kellie @ www.ie-style.com

  4. Can I just take this room and put it in my future home? yes please and thank you ;)

  5. Wow that's a dream vanity-so pretty!! Like your cute touches:) Have a great weekend!
    Marta xo

  6. Oh I love One Kings Lane! They have the best throw pillows and accessories. What a gorgeous room!!!

    1. Thanks! I was so happy to come across them - it will definitely be a standard go-to now!

  7. What a gorgeous vanity! Love the vintage look! So cute that you added your handbags on the shelf!


  8. This is great inspiration for home decoration, I like this red sofa a lot! :)


    1. Thanks! I had to do red with the black and white accessories!

  9. your outfit is so cute. I love the colors!
