
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The dishwasher incident

I don't know if it's the fact that I just can't be monochromatic or the fact that I naturally gravitate towards cognac when I wear anything marled, but I had to finish this outfit off with my cognac booties. I could have easily worn my black booties or my black over the knee boots, but the cognac makes this cozier!

Sunnies: Tom Ford | Earrings: Stella and Dot Necklace: Stella and Dot | Cardigan: Express (option) | Top: That Mom Chic | Skirt: ExpressTights: Target | Booties: Hinge (option)

You guys were cracking me up yesterday with your comments! I'm so glad you enjoyed the little anecdote about my name. And of course, you can continue to call me Carylee whenever you're referring to me as the fashion blogger. I mean, Carylee can be my stage name! Ha!

I feel like I can't even top that story today! Well, I guess I can tell you about the dishwasher incident. So, yesterday morning, I was unloading and loading the dishwasher. We noticed that the dishes still seemed a little murky though, and we realized that the detergent was never released in the last wash. That made two cycles in a row, so I thought that maybe those pods had gotten too old, and were no good anymore. I looked under the sink to see if we had any liquid detergent, and I found a sample of another brand I had never heard of before, but figured it was worth the try. So, I popped it in and went about my morning getting ready.

A few minutes later, the husband says, "Um, the dishwasher is leaking!" He runs off to grab some towels, and I walk out of the bathroom perplexed. I guess the dishwasher was broken after all. Except. He opens the dishwasher a little and says, "This smells like laundry detergent!" Wait, what?

So I go digging in the trash to find the box I just threw away and show the husband. He reads the label, and sure enough. It's laundry detergent. Whoops. 

As we're driving to work, I giggle a bit about what happened and said, "I can't believe I did that! But those pods look awfully similar!" And he says a bit timidly (I think to soften the blow of me feeling dumb), "Well... except for the fact that the front of the box has a ginormous picture of a front loading washing machine!"

So the husband may have a point.


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Linking up for: Tuesday TalkTremendous Tuesday#AllAboutYouErin and Laura for Trend Spin Linkup.


  1. hahahahaha he does have a point, but trust me things like that happens to all of us. Love this simple look, how versatile is this skirt?


  2. Cute outfit and funny story! That sounds like something I would do. Glad you guys figured it out in time! xx

    Audrey | http://www.keygypsy.com

  3. I love that you finished off this outfit with your cognac booties! Also, love your dishwasher tale! I can't say I have ever done that but I have found those pod things don't always work in my dishwasher so I switched back to liquid. Hopefully you were able to get your dishwasher cleaned up and it didn't cause any damage!
    xo, Lee

  4. hahaha oh no!!! That sounds like something I would do! lol! I hope you guys didn't have any long term damage to your dishwasher with it. And I am like you, I feel like I have to add a pop of color somewhere. I like black and white outfits, but I love them even more with red or something! lol

  5. Ahh, this story is just the best. But why was your laundry detergent under the sink? Did you put it there by accident when you got home from the store?! (I'm sorry if I'm bringing up bad memories here!! LOL.) Anyway, just like I said on IG, love this chic black on black look! I keep saying I'm going to pull out that skirt this winter and I keep forgetting. Keep wearing it to remind me! Gina - On the Daily Express

  6. hahahahaha!!!! Oh my goodness...seriously laughing over here! The box....so funny!!!! Really though, terrible way to start a Monday and I hope that it all turned out ok! I'm still laughing! Anyway, love today's outfit....the skirt, the casual tee, the marled cardi, the cognac....ALL pieces I love and they come together for the perfect casual, yet chic, ensemble!
    Kellie @ www.ie-style.com

  7. I did chuckle yesterday on reading it on IG..like I said, been there done that, only worse! You know how terrible those sud monsters can be..yikes!! And this had happened to us with dishwashing liquid in our previous apartment...lord, it was a miracle we didn't drown in suds!!

  8. Omg I've done that too, oops is right!! Love your cognac and black mix.

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  9. That sounds like something I would do! I am bad at laundry and dishwashing! I love your outfit though!

  10. That sounds like a mistake I would totally make! We can't always be perfect but at least it gave you a few laughs!


  11. You know I love cognac booties with black! I've done it three times on my blog! You look great! Love the tee too :)
    And I just read your post about your name, which you know I was confused about too when I met you! I felt so bad! But now I know LOL

  12. Hahahaha that's amazing! What a story. Your husband's gentle reply is the best. What a guy. Good think your kitchen didn't become a giant bubble bath!


  13. Hahaha oh gosh I can totally see myself doing the same thing with the washer! They look similar, so if you are not paying attention it would be easy to mistake!

  14. You crack me up! So easy to do this - although I remember 2 friends pouring washing up liquid into the dishwasher, expecting it to do the same thing - and ending up with foam all over the kitchen floor! Foam party!! Hee hee! Thanks for linking to #AllAboutYou, loving your outfit, that skirt, those boots, the hair!


  15. Oh my gosh they do look so similar and I can totally see a guy getting them confused!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Sorry I had to laugh, funny!
