
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hair series: Braid to waves

I'm back for week four of my hair series where I have been sharing my most worn hairstyles for real life, everyday stuff. Today you'll be seeing how I can cheat the system a bit by only spot curling my hair in the morning while still having an overall wavy look.

Day 4-ish hair: Braid to waves
Products referenced--- Hairspray: Not Your Mother's (option), Pantene | Thermal shield spray: Not Your Mother's | Teasing Brush (mine came from my salon, this is similar) | Dry Shampoo: Herbal Essences | Hair Towel: Turbie TwistCurling Wand: Bed Head

This is probably my most favorite hair style because it doesn't take long at all but it appears to involve a ton of effort. Plus, everyone wants what they can't have right? My hair is naturally straight, so any time I can sport curls, I appreciate it so much! In the video, I referenced this curling wand tutorial I did a couple years ago. While I do still LOVE that  all-over-curl technique, it just ends up being a bit too time consuming to do during the work week. For nights out or special occasions, yes! But I'm lucky to walk out the door on time every day, so every second is critical. Realistically, quick curls are what I need for my getting-ready-for-work routine.

Before I go, here is a snapshot of the whole series so you can see what's in store or what you've missed:

Day 3 hair: The half up poof

Day 4 hair: Braid to waves

Day 5 hair: An easy top knot

Thanks for following along!



  1. Another gorgeous hairstyle...love it!

  2. The hairstyle looks awesome and it seems really easy to do.

  3. Love this series! I've been doing a hair challenge this year, trying to do my hair more, i'm going to try these out!

  4. Umm...hair goals! Also, how cute is that shirt?!

    xx Leah / www.eatpraywearlove.com

  5. Such a great series! Not that I can do much of it with my hair type but I admire your variety and it's fun to read about the thought that goes into each one.
    Gina || On the Daily Express
